Archangel Raphael

Message from Archangel Raphael


I come today to speak with you all about the cleansing currently happening all over your Planet Earth and throughout your Solar System. Through the various rotations of Each Planet many vibrations are shifting energetically, much like screwing in light bulb, and thereby bringing more and more light to shine into being throughout. This grand awakening of souls that has brought more beings into the awareness of their individual gifts and work, opening them to the awareness of their divinity and great need to help others become aware as well.

What one sees with their own eyes they cannot easily dismiss; as interplanetary travel is showing up in the skies even to the uninitiated? The galactic brotherhood is moving ever so swiftly to assist their brethren and sisters, with and through the current massive awakening.

This past set of eclipses will bring many breakthroughs that have been prayed and asked for since 1986, when your new President stated he wanted to help save and restore the soul of a country and her people he was acknowledging the Divinity that belongs to all life. We immediately answered that call and are now working with and through your government leaders as well as those in other countries who listen to their conscience.

This entire year of 2022 will be about restoring a sense of love and balance to the World you live upon.

The Divine Mother is working closely with Mother Earth to assist in bringing a new sense of stability, allowing there to be food and shelter to all nature. Due to the extinction of various plants, animals and insects and the destruction of rain forests, the Earth is trying to re-stabilize itself, shall we say as if it has one arm being held behind her back.

The carelessness of those with power and money are now wiping out various tribes of indigenous peoples. People are not disposable entities but parts of creation that made up a whole. Now all is becoming shattered due to the misunderstanding that life is disposable.

Bees pollinate so many things and keep life growing and becoming yet the amount destroyed by ignorance nearly killed them off. Humans are pollinators as well. As the understanding of kindness and caring spreads from one human to another, more and more goodness becomes available to all.

When money determines one’s fall from grace it is the same as wearing blinders and headsets to block out reality.

I will challenge you each to spend 4 days with no outside stimuli. No Television, Radio, Games etc. During which time you will spend as much time as possible out in nature in meditation and reading of spiritual or self-help books. Not judging yourself, others or circumstances and spreading love and kindness to all those you see and meet.

Keep a journal every day and review it one week after you started this mini journey. What did you learn? What did you experience? Has this heightened your senses in any way? What did you discover about yourself and life? How much more clearly has your thought process become and what value did you discover by abstaining from the daily chatter called life.

It is by developing your inner senses that you connect with Higher self and all other life. So long as you bombard your selves with the outer senses you cannot find the pathway of your inner awareness and life giving Light.

What I ask of you is a type of fasting away from outside influences. Please make the time to do the 4 day exercise and let go of excuses as to why you cannot.

Blessings to you All


Seven Layers of Mankind


There are:

Seven Planes of Existence

Seven Heavens Beyond

Seven Strains of Man

Seven Levels of Consciousness

Seven Root Races

Seven Solar Systems

These are the areas of learning and education that every individual on their spiritual path need to learn about in order to ascend the physical in this lifetime.

Reach Higher

Alex Myles Astrology

The current energy is magnified due to a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus, marking the opening of eclipse season and the beginning of a brand new cycle. It is also a rare black moon, as it is the second New Moon in April.
The eclipse portal delivers immense clarity about our life path, and offers heightened awareness so we know what, or who, we need to release and what, or who, we want to carry with us into our future.
Eclipses are similar to full moons, but the energy is more potent and its influence leaves a longer lasting impression on our lives. They are powerful and unexpected winds of change that generate a huge surge of emotional energy that enhances our sensitivities, opens up portals of possibilities, and illuminates our beliefs, thoughts and feelings.
This eclipse is particularly special as the Nodes are currently in Taurus and Scorpio. This means fated events are destined to occur during this period and new themes that begin around this time will continue to play out until the next eclipse season begins in six months.
It is now time to set an intention and watch how miraculously it manifests, and be prepared for an abundance of magical happenings, not just this weekend but continuing until after the May 15-16, 2022 lunar eclipse .
The nodes represent our past, future, purpose, karma and overall destiny, and whenever a new or full moon is near the nodes the energy is super charged. The nodes changed constellation in January 2022 and the last time the North node was in Taurus and the South node was in Scorpio was in 2003, so it is worth reflecting back to see what prominent story began during that time.
We will now have a greater depth of understanding and the clarity to see how a story that began over 18 years ago may now be coming to a close, and we will clearly see what valuable lessons we learned during this time.
Revelations will be coming thick and fast, giving us the insight needed to overcome challenges, stop repeating unhealthy patterns and start healing deep emotional wounds that were created over the past 18 and a half years.
We will be making peace with the past, integrating life lessons, making positive changes, focusing on our future and clearing old energy and accumulated karma. Overall we are coming to a place of acceptance and understanding that our past made us who we are today. We will likely feel a profound sense of peace, forgiveness and compassion within ourselves for all we have been through.
The moon and Taurus adore one another and the moon is exalted when in Taurus. The affinity they share means they resonate harmoniously with each other, and the lunar energy harmonises us on a cellular level, enhancing our senses, making us feel highly intuitive, more emotional, ultra sensitive and more attuned to our surroundings.
All zodiac signs will be affected by this highly charged energy, as the moon in Taurus enhances the bull’s characteristics within us all. However, those born under the sign of Taurus and Scorpio will feel it more intensely than others.
A New Moon represents the closing of one cycle and the beginning of a new one as well as hope, renewal, setting intentions, manifestation and looking at things with fresh eyes.
New moons show us how to let go of old patterns of behaviour so there is space to create new and healthier loving experiences and eclipses cause people and circumstances to be eclipsed in and out of our lives with the blink of an eye.
We will be evolving and moving closer toward our truest and purest selves, and simultaneously enhancing and deepening our most valuable, meaningful and authentic relationships.
This New Moon occurs on the same day as the Jupiter and Venus conjunction, and as Venus, the planet of love, desire and sensuality, rules Taurus, it makes it the most remarkable day of the year for unexpected happenings of a positive, meaningful and loving nature. Something extremely magnificent and destined can take place during this time, so much so that it entirely alters our future path.
We may only receive a split-second notice to take up the offer of a new opportunity, so we have to remain open to all possibilities and be ready to embrace them when something rare and spectacular comes along.
To help ensure the next six months run as smoothly as possible, it is worth taking a deep breath and diving deep into our heart to figure out what it is we truly want, who we want to be around, and who we are still holding on to (that we need to let go of).
Then, we can pluck up the courage to take the plunge and have those conversations we have been shying away from, so that we move onward with the people and conditions around us that cause us to thrive—particularly within soulmate relationships, or wherever love and romance exists.
We will begin to see that the life we have dreamed of is not only possible, it is so close it now feels tangible, and all we have to do is have the courage to step toward what we want, desire and deserve. We are receiving a notification from the Universe that it is time to quit procrastinating and to get serious about manifesting our dreams, goals and ambitions so we can reach our highest and fullest potential.
An eclipse is a doorway that leads to a new chapter. It is the universe’s way of using cosmic powers to stop us in our tracks and asking us to consider changing direction. Eclipses encourage us to take a few moments to close our eyes and synchronize our energy of the moon. We can then attune to whatever adventures are written in the stars and ultimately receive an abundance of good luck, good fortune, and whatever is fated for us.
Eclipse energy can be somewhat unpredictable, so it is worth taking steps to remain grounded, consciously aware and as balanced as possible over the next 24-48 hours. We can do this by spending periods of time in solitude, meditating, remaining hydrated and paying attention to our inner knowing and intuition.

Children of the New Dawn

In his epic poem, Savitri, Sri Aurobindo vividly describes a new race of humanity emerging on Earth, as different from humans today as we have ever been to the evolutions that have preceded us:
“…I saw them cross the twilight of an age,

The sun-eyed children of a marvelous dawn,

Great creators with wide brows of calm,

The massive barrier-breakers of the world,

Laborers in the quarries of the gods…

The architects of immortality.

Into the fallen human sphere they came

Faces that wore the Immortal’s glory still…

Bodies made beautiful by the spirit’s light…

Carrying the Dionysian cup of joy,

Lips chanting an unknown anthem of the soul,

Feet echoing in the corridors of Time.

High priests of wisdom, sweetness, might, and bliss

Discoverers of beauty’s sunlit ways…

Their tread one-day shall change the suffering earth

And justify the light on Nature’s face.” (Savitri pp. 343-4)

Children have always been our hope for the future. Indeed, they are the future of hope if we are to survive at all. Certainly, our current species seems genetically intent on following the dinosaurs and millions of other species that once lived upon the earth and are now extinct. Will we die as we have lived, pathetically and violently, or will there be a legacy left behind that will sing the Earth back to life?

Sri Aurobindo seemed to indicate that a new species is emerging among us. We have a ways to go before this will happen, however. He saw that there would have to be a transitional species before the new “supramental” species was able to enter the rarefied realms of a purified Earth. He saw that each successive generation would carry this evolutionary potential further, and that we would develop through an “overhuman” stage before the “supramental being” could be anchored into the “true physical” realm of fourth dimensional matter.

The Mother and Sri Aurobindo felt that it could take another 300 years for conditions on Earth to be ready for supramental beings to incarnate. However, it seems to be clear to many observers that a transitional species is already here. Are these the ones that are being variously called the Indigo children, the Crystal Children, or the Children of Oz? Are these the ones who will launch humanity into a new era of consciousness, laying the groundwork for the emergence of the new species? Are these the ones that Sri Aurobindo so beautifully writes about?

I have known many, like myself, who have been on the path what has been termed “ascension”. We have done our inner work, we have cleansed our bodies, we have meditated, talked with angels and ascended masters, tried to build our “lightbodies”, expand our “merkabahs”, re-strand our DNA, and otherwise court physical immortality in every way imaginable . Still, we are susceptible to disease, and our bodies continue to age. There is much in our subconscious that is still unresolved, and we are still karmically tied into the planetary unconscious realms where reside the mighty illusions of darkness, falsehood, suffering and death.

Perhaps we are taking on a role that isn’t ours to take…yet. Perhaps we are to dream these possibilities and plant the seeds of hope, and others will come afterwards who will achieve these dreams and manifest these realities. The Mother claims that the supramental realms were first unified into her cellular body, and therefore the “mindfields” of the Earth on February 29, 1956. The Dream that is already present in the Supramental worlds was seeded into mass consciousness at that time, and each generation succeeds in taking it further. As our children and our children’s children complete their roles in healing the Earth, healing the splits between spirit and matter, and the ancient suffering we have borne as a result of this split, perhaps we will return as their children in the not so distant future in newly supramentalized bodies of light!

On a more immediate level, who are these new kids? What is their promise? Their minds think differently, their emotional bodies process feelings differently, their energy bodies are capable of holding stronger soul vibrations, and they have a new vision to share. They do not fit into mainstream society. Many of them appear to have special psychic and healing abilities, and need special support to control and develop these gifts. Drunvalo Melchizedek distinguishes between the Indigo children and the Super-Psychic children, whom I prefer to call the Violet children. Jimmy Twyman, in Emissary of Love, calls them Children of Oz, and speaks eloquently of his own experiences with this latter group, and the message they wish to share with the world.

As I see it, the Indigo children generally seem to range in age from the twenties into the forties, or even older, and includes the current generation of “lightworkers”, while the Violet children are younger, and carry a different mandate. The Violet kids do not need to read any of this to know what’s real. They are linked mind to mind in a global psychic link-up that reflects a new fifth-dimensional morphogenetic grid on Earth. In future generations, they may be the first to step into what Sri Aurobindo envisioned as “supramental consciousness”. They are also becoming known as the Crystal Children.

Steve Rother ( has been communicating for many years with a group of light beings who very fittingly call themselves The Group. They speak of the New Planet Earth that is coming, and also have a lot to say about these Crystal children. According to them, the Indigos came to shake up our old paradigms and to make room for the next wave in evolution, the ‘Children of Crystal Vibration’. At the beginning of their messages in 1996, the Group said that if we could make the planet safe for their return they would come. Apparently, despite outward experiences, the planet must be getting safer, for recently they have said that the Crystal kids are starting to enter.

The following selections are drawn from Steve Rother’s internet site, where the unabridged version is available at This information resonates with me deeply, and also seems to harmonize with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s understandings of our future evolution.

“Those that you call the Indigo children have already shifted the focus of humanity. Because of their work and sacrifice you are learning to make space in your reality for empowered humans. They have done well and will now begin to move into adulthood. As they do, they will shift the paradigms of all that is to follow. The Indigo children have begun the change of your systems that relate to children. Now watch the miracles that take place as they move into adulthood and change those systems as well. Imagine what the world will be like as the first Indigo world leaders take their place. As this unfolds, the New Earth will become firmly rooted in the balanced Crystal energy. You will see space created for empowered humans on Earth no matter their beliefs, sex, or origins. The work of those you call Indigo will be known forever as the great shift. They have come into a harsh world, shaken it up, and are making you re-think everything. These beautiful beings are direct and therefore may have appeared to you as abrasive. Enduring boredom is their greatest challenge. Blessed be the Indigo children for they are opening the door. Now let us tell you more of what is behind the door.

The Children of Crystal vibration are what you would consider to be the magical children with abilities that you have yet to understand. The attributes of Crystal Children are simply two-fold, they are extremely powerful and yet extremely vulnerable. They are highly evolved beings and have an understanding of what simple energy really is. Feats that you would think impossible may seem like child’s play to humans carrying the Crystal Vibration. You will begin to see magical abilities in human children that you have never seen before. Their basic understanding of energy will make it possible to manipulate energy in new ways.

Certain energy forms that you have adapted for your own use may be a bit difficult for the first Crystals to cope with. Electricity in particular may be awkward for some of the early Crystals as they acclimate. The energetic makeup of these children may cause unusual reactions to electrical devices. They have challenges defining their energetic boundaries and therefore, are empathic to electro magnetic fields. They may have a tendency to reflect back the energy they can not assimilate. It may be quite common for Crystal children to blow out electrical devices until they become accustomed to the energy. You will see children with abilities to physically move objects in ways you do not understand. You may see physical senses develop in some children that have never been part of the human experience prior. Even your sciences will have difficulty explaining what these children will see as simple energy.

At first, Crystal Children will tend to gather in groups where they can hold space for each other. They will form groups and grow together supporting each other energetically. They will do it all by themselves so parents of Crystal children will not need to worry about finding the best environment for their children. Expect to see groups of ‘magical children’ with abilities that exceed far beyond the norm you have known. As time goes on you will see an acclimation of this energy and you will become more accustomed to the odd stories that will circulate about strange new abilities of some children. Watch for these and prepare yourself, for these are the physical signs that the human race is evolving. This is the return of the Children of Crystal vibration.”

The Group goes on to say that what we are beginning to see so far are only the scouts who have been sent ahead to test the waters, and that powerful as they are, they are carrying only the first hints of the energy that is to come. They will be able to read not only our minds, but also our hearts. There will be no more secrets. They will have a sensitivity beyond our comprehension, but this sensitivity will be a gift as well as a challenge. The Group continues, saying:

“Unlike the children of Indigo vibration, the Crystal children are so sensitive that they may feel threatened by the harshness of what people are holding in their hearts. Some will find safety in retreating and going within. There are some people who will think this a sign of weakness and may even attempt to exploit these gentle beings. Let us set your mind at ease when we tell you that exploitation will not be possible. The Children of Crystal vibration are powerful beyond your understanding. Even though they may have great difficulty understanding and interacting, they will always know their true power and who they are.”

According to the Group their biggest challenge will their inability to deal with other people’s fear. Fear is based on a belief in lack, and these children will enter with a belief system that knows nothing of lack, and therefore nothing of fear. They will need help in dealing with the general fear around them, which means that we will need to start dealing with our own deeply ingrained habits of fear, separation, limitation, and lack!

Over the past several months I have been in communication with three teenagers from different parts of the world who might perhaps be called Crystal Scouts. They are remarkably similar to each other. Their powers are indeed very vast and real, as is their extreme sensitivity. They can move things by just thinking so, they can create lightning or change weather, and they can consciously create positive mutations within their cellular DNA structures. They know how to heal. They feel they can also do this for other people, if they were invited to. They know of others like them, because they can sense them within their own minds, but sometimes feel isolated physically. They are in touch with fairies, angels and multidimensional cosmic beings. They have a hard time finding people they can trust, and have learned that it is not always safe to share too much of their world with adults around them. Like strangers in a strange land, they have great difficulty relating to the self-centered and limited perspectives that human society operates within, and most people find them very threatening in their vulnerability and directness. They feel frustrated because they know they are here to help, but feel that if they unleash their powers to assist the world, that it could leave much chaos in its wake. They feel there will be a big fight with evil, but that everything will work out for good in the end.

I have also been in email communication with many who are working with or wish to work with Indigo and Crystal Children. There are many who are parents or teachers of such children and wish to know how they can help raise them. Many have asked if special schools exist for them. Many ask about creating networks through which they might find each other. Many have beautiful and inspiring stories to share of their encounters with such children. Some have shared heartbreaking stories of how these kids could not find their way in the world and had become lost.

I invite readers who have feedback, resources or stories to share, or wish to network with others on this theme, to please contact me at If you know of internet chatrooms, alternative schools, books, or other resources for and about these children, please contact me too. Before long, using some of these materials, I hope to create an interactive forum on “Children of the New Dawn” through my website, This would also be a place where these children could find each other, share their struggles and their gifts, and exchange ideas for a better world.

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother felt from their own experiences that the Supramental Earth now already exists in a different dimension than our own. Perhaps we might call this the Fifth Dimension. They felt that all that was needed to bring this dimension into planetary experience was to build the bridges. Perhaps the Crystal Children are the bridges. In time, as this consciousness deepens upon Earth, as they find each other and learn to work within the old structures of Earth, as the old structures give way to new structures that will sustain them and sustain supramental life upon the Earth, we might find ourselves at the threshold of a Collective Planetary Shift. The Sun-Eyed Children are the inheritors of this New Dawn!

Child of Universe

You are a child of the Universe.

You are wonderful.

Each day when you awaken a beautiful essence is emanated by your being.

You touch the hearts and minds of all those you come in contact with.

You are a flower in a garden of seeds and are developing more color and uniqueness as you grow.


You are an inspiration for others to have vision.

You are the divine and you are light.

Be all that you are each and every moment you breathe.

Be true to yourself and honor the life that you lead.


                 ” Know Thyself.”





Categorically the most misunderstood emotional sequence of emotions we have to go through. Grief usually begins with a type of shock to the system that almost puts us into an altered state of consciousness. Generally followed by the need to accept something we usually don’t want to do. This immediately puts us at odds with understanding how to feel sad. Sadness is one of those individual processes that we have a hard time describing, even to ourselves. It is a very personal thing that we need time to process through. We often get panicky at the very thought of losing someone or something we have held very dear. Hence we often go into a state of denial that such a thing is even happening.

When we learn of the death of a loved one or animal we are forced into the reality of grief immediately and often find the need to go into remote activity of making final arrangements. This only forces us to put our feelings aside to make some hard and lasting decisions. When we simply learn of the death from someone else we have more time to sort through our feelings.

Anger bubbles up as all and any discussions between family members always put a damper on things moving as quickly as needed. Communication, even with those we do not like or care for, become mandatory at a time when we just want to be left alone to grieve.

Grief brings out persons true colors as they are very vulnerable and do not want others to see this in them. But the sadness pervades, and all must come together for the sake of one another, at a time when it is no longer just about them.

When a loved one is dying in a Hospice situation or a hospital, we are generally given brochures and books to read to help us understand the various stages of grief we are going through. These can be most helpful at that time because we need to address our feelings, and a little reinforcement can be very helpful.

I am a very private griever, I do not want to share my grief with others, nor do I want to offer them platitudes I have heard my entire life. I hate this one, “You know they are in a better place now”, I know no such thing and it annoys me when others say this to me. If everyone goes to the same place in death it would really be overcrowded.

There is no getting over grief just simply going through it. This takes time and everyone experiences grief differently. Just get over it, doesn’t work and is a stupid thought anyway.

Grief is an individual process and it is not so much we get over it as we come to terms with the reality of it. Time helps and does play a part but does no dissolve feelings at this precipice. We ultimately must make a place in our heart to put this grief so we can go on with life. This is different for everyone.

Be kind to another’s grief never belittling such as you do not walk in their shoes. Give gratitude daily that you are blessed and be aware of others feelings that may be different from your own. We have feelings for many mysterious reasons, one of which is to understand your own process of grieving.



There are number of daily stressors in life that add to our anxiety. Firstly the “world is going to hell in a handbasket” is truly happened. We are discovering just how messed up living has become.

People will tell you to not read the news if it stresses you out, but current events are important to stay abreast of. If you know in advance that your city or home will soon be underwater you can perhaps help yourself in some way to keep yourself and family safe. This will need to be an immediate reaction and creates a great deal of anxiety.

Where do we go when we have no place to go? This is overwhelming to think about and for some people creates feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Again, it is a major stress anxiety trigger that can even cripple some with the feeling that they may have to start over. Where will the money come from to move and try again? Without money we can become a statistic of homelessness.

Just surviving day to day can cause major anxiety as the world operates on money and when you have none you are unable to operate, depending now on the kindness of others for your very survival. As we all know there is a great deal of kindness and good will in the world so long as it doesn’t involve other people’s money.

The “New Age Teachings” try to share the importance of creating new realities. And yes, I have been fortunate enough to do so. But where are the guidelines and instructions to such endeavors, and again how much time and money will it take to learn these mysteries and their operation? ; more anxiety to achieve such dreams and goals.

The Universe is steeped in paradox often bringing more confusion to every question. How can I believe in the beauty and joy of living when I am surrounded by pain and sadness?

The question I get from so many people is “what is my purpose?” Someone told me I need to be a healer. Indeed, we are all here to heal ourselves as well as whatever reach we have to help others.

When we feel we cannot heal the world we also need to be aware to not let the world dominate our thinking. Sometimes this leads to us feeling like we are holding onto a buoy out at sea and all alone. Can our dreams for a better and happier life help us find solid footing from this place?

Mind, body, soul and spirit must all learn to interact and help each other if we are to find safety in our spirituality. We must learn to conceptualize by releasing judgment upon ourselves and the past.

We will always have some anxiety in life as it is part of being human. Learning to think and see differently will assist us in growing beyond the need for pain and suffering. Religion cannot do this for you, this is an individual process and can be achieved by realizing you have and are spirit.

Changing Realities

When we are stuck in survival, we are convinced there is no time for spirituality. Humankind refuses to explore its eternal essence because there is comfort in believing that logic and reason are the keys to life. This denial of the spirit self has brought our species to a point in our development that is causing self-destruction.

Through this process of denial, humanity has created a world that dwells in torment and debris. The garbage keeps piling up, the atmosphere is unhealthy, trees and vegetation are dying and the destruction is continual. Humans close their eyes constantly to the pain and suffering around them, just as they shut themselves off from their emotions. In the West we call ourselves civilized and worship technology as our savior. Our life has become one of entertainment and drama rather than intimate loving interaction. Most of humanity lives in an illusionary field of dreams that has become a living hell, a world where hope and love are as fleeting thoughts and greed is the great taskmaster.

When we begin to look beyond the veil of illusion, we realize that humanity is on a collision course with its true destiny. To save the world and its inhabitants, we must first learn to save ourselves. Before we can do selfless acts of kindness, we must first learn how to be selfless. This we can only learn by honoring our spiritual essence.

In the spirit realms, all is comprised of energy. Energy continually replenishes itself, ever transforming and changing. This life-giving energy is unending, all-pervading and always exchanging within itself.

You and I are this same spiritual energy. As such, we are learning to change and transform ourselves as energy does. When stuck in the experiences of the lower chakras, our need to survive supersedes the awareness and understanding of ourselves as soul and spirit. Because of this we have become cut off from our spirit self, the energy self that we are.

Our soul can receive sustenance only by us connecting with our spiritual energy. Our soul is our transportation within all consciousness through all incarnations, be they physical or spiritual. We in essence kill ourselves to our soul by denying it the energy exchange it needs.

In reality, the soul cannot die, but we can separate ourselves from our soul memory and consciousness.  Doing this creates a barrier that makes it harder and harder to return to soul. When this continues over extended periods, we lose touch with our life-sustaining spiritual energy and we feel devoid and disconnected from life. We become as ghouls and our bodies and minds begin to shut down.

The reality now taking place on planet earth has taken eons of time to establish. Humankind has been shutting itself down for a long time. The societies of this world facilitate this desecration of life and this current existence has now been accepted as true reality.  Though many of us would like to see this change overnight, the only way that could happen, is if the majority of people on the planet would actually work through all their lifetimes of conditioning.  Changing the conditions of one person’s life takes time. How much time will it take for everyone on the planet to realize that we all should seek to become spiritually aware?

By focusing on our individual roles, we will not allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by the vastness of the work that lies ahead. Finding the truth within all life and ourselves is the key.

The spiritual journey should not be taken on half-heartedly.  We cannot learn a little and think that is enough. We must persevere—even in the face of crises and adversity, realizing that in some way we too are responsible for the state of affairs the world is in.

Developing through the soul’s awareness helps us to perceive and understand the meanings of events in life without attachment. When we are attached to outcome, we still have personal expectations that set us up for disappointment. When we release expectation, we use our inner knowing to take us forward in the creative process of living.

Each person has been born to accept and learn about him or herself as a divine being. Each person is born with unconditional love, compassion, awareness and understanding. It is through our life experiences that we learn to forget this.

Some of you may be asking if it is really necessary to go through all this hoopla of meditation, forgiveness and so forth to develop and open spiritually. Is this awareness attainable in any other fashion?

The answer is simply no. Unless we develop conscious awareness of our multidimensional-self transcending and ascension are not possible.

Meditation, affirmations, purposeful emotional release processes, and meditative trance are tools for deprogramming accepted belief patterns. These tools help us release and let go of our emotional baggage.

You may unconsciously be doing some of this work within yourself now, but it must become conscious to fully manifest. You must choose to realize the soul and spirit essence that you are.

Some people may seek psychological help when deciding to heal their emotional scars; good counseling always helps. Other people simply take life one day at a time, working through their pasts by experiencing interactions with the people they are in contact with daily. In this manner, and without adequate tools for release, they tend to draw the same experiences to themselves continually. They question why the same things keep happening.

Although others may come and go in our life, the experiences they bring us do not. Until we are able to process and understand

the meaning of our experiences, we will not be able to change them.

Without the help and tools we need for inner healing, we become weary of trying to figure out our problems. As we attempt to resolve our issues logically, we often feel that we are a victim of some cruel joke that God is playing on us. We feel that life is victimizing us and we question why all cannot simply be changed through logic and reason. Nevertheless, life rarely makes sense and the logical mind is little more than a storage center. All the rational mind has ever learned, all it contains, has been programmed through our life’s learning experiences. The rational mind abilities are limited to the playback of learned images and responses, it does not have the capacity to feel or change itself. This can only be done by implementing new experiences and information.

We can learn to understand why we behave and react to situations the way we do, by observing our actions and ourselves. Doing this we identify past mental training and begin consciously changing our logical tapes. We can neither run away nor hide from our life experiences. Results come only through healing and integrating them.

Spirit Guide Classes

It’s time for me to do what I do best; help put people in touch with their Spirit Guides and Angels.


There will be a free introductory “Zoom Meeting”,  Saturday, August 27th 1Pm to 3Pm MST. You need to contact me in advance to receive an invitation to get into the meeting. We will be discussing what the Classes will entail so you can decide whether or not to take them.

Classes will be held over Zoom, Saturdays from 1Pm to 3Pm MST. September 3,10,17,24, 2022. Classes will be $120.00 for the series of 4.

Email me or call me (719) 598-8158

I would like to talk some more about my upcoming set of September, 2022 Classes.

“Finding and Working with your Spirit Guides”

I work directly with my Guides and Angels to help others tap in to their higher self and Guidance.

We all have our own Guides and Teachers and none of us have exactly the same ones.

You may discover you are a Hybrid or Angelic being; we all have our path of learning to walk and experience this lifetime.

We will work with Meditation, and Mantras to keep us centered and aligned within the Spirit Essence that we are.

There will be sharing and discovering as we go.

Blessings from the Universe et al.

What working with my Spirit Guides has done for Me.

Helping me find, address fears and integrate them. Overcome fear of death and dying. Overcome fear of the unknown. Face fear in all its aspects and overcome it.

Heal The Inner Child, heal and integrate the past deep wounds. Heal my need for approval; heal my desire to be someone other than myself.

Become my best Buds; relying on them always to be with me; asking any and all questions without fear of reprisal. Understanding how I am Love. Seeing the “Bigger Picture” and understanding I am not in charge of saving the world.

Learning to let go of the past, of love in friendships and relationships that no longer serve me; opening to trust myself and The Universe of compassion and Love.

Finding my Spirit Guides and daily Teachers; learning to trust my intuition and light.

Developing all levels of Chakras and learning about the Chakra Bodies; raising my consciousness through understanding how to advance through meditation.

In case you were wondering these are a few of things your Spirit Guides can help you with.