Staying Positive

“My feet hurt, I’m tired and overworked, I still have to deal with the children and dinner.” ” I am positively tired of trying to be positive.”

Do these things sound familiar to you? This is generally everyday life for so many of us.

Working on getting and remaining positive with yourself often seems like just one more chore you probably don’t want to do.

We often have to create positive thoughts and affirmations to continually remind ourselves how to do it. What we are actually accomplishing by doing this is a re-program of our own thinking and speaking process. It is neither simple or easy, yet has great rewards when you stick to it.

Thinking positive literally changes and charges the energy in and around you. Stop saying “I can’t” , knowing you do it out of  habit. This may sound silly at first but it definitely changes things within you and your life.

Affirmations to use:

“I am filled with life’s energy and love.”

“I am free to be happy and enjoy my daily life.”

“I receive all the energy I need to re-charge and go forward.”

To remain positive you must speak with yourself on a regular basis correcting you thought process. Start using phrases that begin with “I choose”

To lead a positive life you must learn to think before you act and re-act.

Stop being sorry all the time. You are human and that’s what makes you glorious. What you do not like about yourself change, by changing yourself all things around you will also follow.

Meditate, do yoga, stretching exercises and create and enjoy time alone.

Learn to like you!                                         


Morality and Religion

We often hear the statement “The moral fiber of this country”, yet we have no way of knowing by whose standard this is determined.  Morality is based on virtues and vices, the awareness of right and wrong.

I was raised a Catholic and went to church seven days a week.  I was baptized, received communion and confirmed into the faith.  I went to Catholic school and tried to be the best Catholic child that I could be.

Catholicism taught me as a child that I was a sinner in God’s eyes, had always been a sinner, and would always be a sinner. Such beliefs taught me that I would never be good enough to gain God’s approval.

Alternately at home, I was brought up believing that my parents felt the same way about me as God did. This constantly reinforced the belief within me, that I was not good enough. This moral training made me feel unworthy and ashamed of myself. I became isolated inside and wanted to hide what I came to believe was my ugliness.

Many of the world’s societies believe that self-punishment and debasement lead to good moral living. Some religions, by instilling the belief that our very thoughts and desires make us sinners, teach us to suppress our emotions. This magnifies our sense of guilt and shame, which produces a tremendous emotional imbalance.

Since it is true that thought and desire create; these creations can only be changed by us understanding them, not by suppressing them. When we deny who we are emotionally, we stuff our feelings deep inside where they begin to fester. The result of this repression can and does manifest itself in many forms. Sometimes it manifests as mental illness, emotional instability, and various forms of physical pain and disease. Whole societies of people have and do become confused and hostile as the result of repressed emotions.

In true spiritual awareness, balanced emotions are the key to higher enlightenment. It is through our emotional experiences, that we gain the understanding necessary to control them. Our emotions are the only tool we have for learning how to love one another and our self.

Morality and spirituality are really the same thing.  When we have moral values, we are naturally spiritual.  Moral values should be taught and lived at home, not at church.  The home should be the spiritual temple, and we should be worshipping spiritual values in life consistently. If we were to live life in this manner, true wisdom and insight would reveal itself and we would become godlike.

Most Western religions have become big business. No longer seeking to know and understand God, they choose to wield the power of God to fit their own mandates. Many religions use their teachings to brainwash and control people rather than helping them open up to god. This form of brainwashing convinces us that we should all think alike. Organizations such as these use this group energy to indoctrinate others into their sect.

Many of these religious organizations, herald themselves as Christians, becoming religious zealots who judge other faiths and label them as cults, not realizing they themselves have become just that.

More wars are fought in the name of religion than for any other reason. More people have died and been killed in the name of an all loving God than for any other cause.  China executed the Tibetans, Serbia the Albanians; in Ireland, the Protestants and Catholics continue to fight; in Israel, it is the Muslims and Jews, all the way back to the Pagan Romans who persecuted the Christians. We have been through the Dark Ages, The Crusades, and The Spanish Inquisition.

Spiritual beliefs have always been a source of chaos on our planet and religious wars continue to ravage humanity. Some

radical religionists condone bombing of abortion clinics and harassment of abortion doctors; they infiltrate public schools and politics, all in the name of Christ. War is waged on homosexuals, for some, this too is an abomination of God.

Many advocate the death penalty as justice for a crime, not seeing this as bias when they call abortion murder.

Taking of all or any human life is against God’s law.

Somehow, somewhere in society, we have come to believe that if a person dies, he or she will not return.  We need look to history to discover that problems do not go away by people killing one another. In fact, if all the people who have been killed never actually returned, why are there so many angry and distorted people on the planet now?

It seems that many religions conveniently make up God’s rules as they go along.  In this way, these organizations profess to know what God thinks. Their own teachings tell them that God is beyond their comprehension, yet inevitably they let their ego self¾their lower chakras¾dictate truth.

The truth is vaster than any one being or book.  The search for spiritual truth is the journey that brings eternal joy. The truth is an ever-expanding perception that is unending. Each person is a piece of this truth. When the pieces fit together, they make a beautiful picture that expands and changes as we all grow and develop. Some religions try to make this a still life picture rather than the ever-changing energy of life that it is.

When approaching religion, we should look at the life experiences brought about by the living examples of its believers in order to determine its values. If you find people who have opened their hearts and minds to become godlike by following the dictate of their religion, then there may be substance to their faith. If on the other hand, you find people of bigotry and judgment, or whose spirituality is lived only while in church, then be aware.

Remember that spirituality is not a religion. God has no religion, as God is pure spirit. Spirituality is the essence and energy that makes us all gods. If a religion does not teach its followers to live by this concept, it is not teaching spirituality.




I know we may be tired of hearing about Meditation, especially when we feel we have tried and cannot accomplish it. Meditation is one of those wonderful mysteries in life that must be experienced in order to understand its benefits.

Basically, Meditation is the art of going into a trance state to discover all that was originally hidden from you. This ultimately aids you in the discovery of the deepest levels of self as well as the Universe. I use the word Universe to quantify everything, seen and unseen.

When discovering the many depths of consciousness using Meditation, you also begin to understand your own unseen depth of being. This is how you learn about and discover soul consciousness.

Soul consciousness holds many answers to questions we may not even knew we had, such as, what soul is and its purposes, as well as its memories. While traversing soul we discover whole new worlds of thought and understanding. Soul is like a storage department or type of library containing forgotten and hidden information of ourselves along with History of all sorts.

When people tell you they are channeling, they are usually receiving information through their soul channel. We can develop and heighten our intuition to access soul as well, and Meditation is the best way to do this.

Recently I have heard people on radio shows telling us they only Meditated once in their life, and quickly and unexpectedly accessed the awareness of their Spirit Guides and Angels. I am sure these people now Meditate on a regular basis. Me; meeting my Spirit Guides and Teachers took years of searching and then more years of Meditation. I can only assume these very blessed others of whom I speak, came in this lifetime ready to evolve to such high levels of perception.

I believe that we are related to Our Spirit teachers in some way and have been working together for very long periods of time. Within the Universe all things are connected so it would only make sense.

Do not give up if you’ve had little or no luck meditating, finding that space between time and no time will be discovered through practice and patience. Just as we must make time for other important things in life so it must be with our desire to meditate. Meditation will help you change your life and evolution in ways you never even imagined, and once you start the expansion it can take on a life of its own.




There are so many different kinds of pain that individuals experience. Emotional pain is the hardest and deepest to heal and come to terms with. Emotional pain occurs when our experiences traumatize us, the very existence of living can cause long held trauma we may not even remember. Sometimes these things lying under the surface will be triggered or re-awakened through another series of events.

Mental pain or trauma can be experienced through anger and sadness. When we mentally focus on traumatic events in life we make mental memory that will often play over and over again as we proceed along our journey called life. Creating its own OCD effect keeping us focused on the pain and confusion presented somewhat as a role model for our thinking.

Deep beliefs within us hold that balance and fairness exist in life thereby helping us hold our rational mind in continual paranoia. In reality we are the only ones that can change and reconstruct our thinking and feeling selves.

One would think that, “time heals all wounds”, but this statement in and of itself is a lie. Time often is simply a way of trapping ourselves into the dogma we call life. Time, in and of itself, has no power to change how we think or feel about ourselves, just as inner beliefs are strong and powerful energies that we allow to subdue us.

To heal the pain within we must be ready to accept change as the key to doing this. A willingness to change how we think or feel about things in life can be a major undertaking as pain and sorrow are buried deep inside. “I know how I feel” is another misconception that holds us back. When we work to free ourselves from pain and suffering our immediate response is how can I change my past?

From the time we are young our conditioning begins through our interactions with parents as well as life and others in supervisory positions. Overcoming our environments from the past can be mind-blowing as we have already accepted some way of viewing and handling what life throws at us.

Pain can and is a tough task-master. When told something over and over again as a child like “you will never learn” it sticks with you. Often as an adult you will even repeat this statement to yourself, over and over again, cementing it within your brain and feeling self. This is how negative self-talk advances itself through your life. You have now accepted this statement as truth and keep re-enforcing it. Patterns such as these steal your life from you and keep you in hiding hoping no one else sees it. This perpetuates sadness and grief as a way of living life.

Children of the light,

As you begin this new chapter in your life’s journey you will notice more and more the assistance of the Universe in your day to day life. As teachers of light, who are we and what do we do? We are your spiritual family; Spirit Guides, Archangels and Ascended Teachers of light who have been with you in soul since your incarnation as soul.

The biggest question we hear from you is why did I come into this existence, and why now?

Now, in this powerful millennium there is massive and accelerated growth and development for humans and your planetary System. Only the pure of heart shall succeed in achieving their greatest potential during this incarnation. Staying positive and focused is still most challenging for the many. Addressing the energies as they sway and infiltrate as well as illuminate, using discernment to decipher the good from the bad is the task at hand.

Since in truth all is simply development, the greatest challenge you must master is indeed the self. Finding and becoming the Authentic Natural self and pushing forward.

You find fear to be the enemy not because it is bad but simply because it is being used to control and destroy rather than serve the purpose of alerting to danger. Yes fear can be healthy when put into context, yet so few understand how to use it, rather than it using them. So much and so many fear that fears power becomes stronger by the day. What are you afraid of; the future, the past, the present? Perhaps fear itself? To become the strong warrior that you are, you must identify and confront your fear. There is no other way to become free and alive.

Ultimately it is the child within each of you who has learned about and attached to fear that must change its understanding of it. Fear can and does often paralyze through its power to hold you in its arms. Fear is simply a word, energy necessary to forewarn and protect, not encompass and incarcerate the human being that you are.

The greatest tool you have to consume and transmute fear is Love. As St. Germain shares such a wonderful gift of The Violet Flame of Transformation to assist, we find little reason for fear to have its strong potency in your daily lives.

As sentient feeling humans, letting go is the most challenging of tasks you will face in life. Learning to transmute the fear that binds you creates a place for more and more love to dwell, inside and out. This long forgotten use of love to replace all dysfunction in life is the goal.

What is love?  Why each and every one of you are love. It is the expression of love that you are and emanate that transcends all other things. Love is essence and energy of all life, seen or unseen, it is eternal. It is the food of the soul contained within and shared through the spirit and physical essence that you are. Too little love and kindness in the world presents the greatest destruction to the planet and all of her species. Yes love presents potent danger to the darkness as it is in innocence that you find and become love once again.



Invocation to love.

I call the power and essence of Love. I call to my own spirit essence.

I call to the great beings and powers of Love that unite to assist us all.

I anchor love in every way and honor the energy and light it holds.

I share the energy and essence of my love and connect it with all other love.

Mighty beings of love and light hear me now. Align my energies with yours and allow your child to assist in the journey and recognition of the highest love available.

Beloved I am, Beloved I am, Beloved I am.


You were born of and as love in your original state of spirit, mind, body and soul. It is to this state of origin that your soul adheres, and must return to transcend the various planes of consciousness. Would you be happy to remain in the state of being that dictates depression and fear? Could you enjoy little or no development and growth in life? The way of life must be to move beyond that which is the accepted illusion of living.

This is done by unlocking the mysteries of life that lie within and choosing to remove the layers of pain and sadness that have haunted you for so long.

As physical beings it is necessary to have a balance in life between both the Conditional and Unconditional Love within for true awareness and understanding to take place. The Divine element that you are thrives on the Unconditional love to be the I Am; the physical being thrives on the conditional love of needing to be needed. When we feel needed we glow with delight and bathe in accomplishment. When we accept ourselves unconditionally we begin to accept our flaws as the perfections we are healing into.

You will find that all things in the Universe are paradox. Knowing this will help you discern truth and discover that there is really no right or wrong, in each and every moment all is a matter of perception.

Through this awareness you will begin to understand self and forgive others. Most importantly you will release the need to judge.  Through this realization you will grow and develop on all levels of self.

Finding and sustaining peace in life is attainable only through hard work and dedication to discovery of truth and Love.

Many Blessings of Love,

Archangel Raphael


The Light You Reflect



The emanation of the Seven Rays is the same as the Seven Heavens created by the mind of God. From each ray, emanates another light and then another and so on ad-infinitum. These emanations make up all life upon our planet, including our solar system, cosmos and divine heavens.

The Seven Rays that each of you emanate, comes from your individual chakra system. A chakra is a spinning vortex of light, which extends out to connect with another chakras’ vortex of light and another, to create the aura. If each person could travel in a spacecraft outside the earth’s atmosphere they would see the aura that planet earth emits. Looking up from planet earth, we can see the aura of the universe that surrounds us and we call it the sky. All these things we see are mixtures of light and color that give us variable perceptions of sound and vibration, as well as light and color.

These energies make up all that we see and sense around us. Looking at a bright sun or full moon, we often feel vibrations as we experience the visual intensity. Sometimes we describe these things as instilling a mood. In silence we both hear and see sound. Silence in and of itself is sound. Listening to the silence is how you discover what you are not hearing, while still hearing the sound of silence all at once.

What we see and hear often evokes feelings. When we see something that we find beautiful and pleasing, it may evoke a feeling of peace and pleasure within us. When we hear a child cry, it generally evokes feelings of kindness and caring. Sometimes after these feelings are evoked we the receive images of what a crying baby looks like. This sound has now evoked a vision as well as a feeling. Almost all people unconsciously experience these things I am describing, throughout life. Most have never even considered that by watching how this operation works in their lives, that they could consciously use it to change self and the world around them.

If one were to see oneself as a complex set of operations that can be utilized and fine-tuned to master life and destiny, what type of feelings and pictures would this evoke? Studying ourselves as the complex and unique instruments that we are can be very enlightening. Watching how and why we do things can give us a powerful perspective on who and what we are. Actions and reactions can be changed, along with thought processes and development. Viewpoints can be expanded and a small world turned into a big one. Asking ourselves why we feel, see and hear the way we do starts us thinking in new terms.

Although we advance along our spiritual path of learning and evolution, the same techniques are always applicable for whoever and wherever we are on our spiritual path. We are all ever-expanding, ever-evolving energies that may chose to grow or stagnate at any time. As we open up and expand, we discover that spirit awareness and awakening are perceived realities that bring about conceptual awareness and understanding. This becomes a foundation upon which we build and develop our spirit journey. The tools we use are the same senses and techniques I have just described, only as we advance we begin to see, hear and feel, within many different levels of oneself. Our heightened awareness allows us to begin communing with otherworldly beings and entities. We realize that we can commune with Archetypes such as Angels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides and our own Higher or Spirit Self. We now learn to cleanse and clear soul debris and karma that holds us back. We begin to heal and integrate all aspects of self and discover that the past can be let go of.  By understanding how our senses operate and skillfully re-training ourselves, we use and develop them inwardly as well as outwardly. All this is accomplished by observing and knowing oneself.

What is the sensation of color about? Why do different shades of color evoke different feelings? When I close my eyes can I make myself see colors? Why do I think and believe I can or cannot do certain things? What do I hear in the silence? What does pure silence sound like? What does it feel like to be happy? Can I sit with my eyes closed and evoke these feelings if I want to? Asking yourself these kinds of questions, and then practicing seeing, hearing, and feeling, is how we continually use and develop our extrasensory perception.

When we were children we worked on developing all of our senses. In our innocence we tried to communicate in any manner we could. We were unable to make or understand words so we communicated through our feelings. Most parents are perfectly happy to communicate with their young through loving tenderness and kindness. This love evoked feelings of security and safety within us.  For most individuals there were many times in their growing up childhood’s where these feelings were shattered and temporarily destroyed. Even as adults we find ourselves faced with these exact types of experiences. When this happens we feel betrayed by our own feelings. We feel stupid and pull ourselves inward so that others cannot see the pain that we feel, nor can they do anything to hurt us again. Often in the inward place we find solace and solitude but also isolation. For most of us we have been experiencing ourselves and hurt in this manner since childhood. Generally we have been made to feel that this is just the way life is and you have to learn to deal with it. We have been left to our devices to figure out how to do that and with little or no guidance to go by. It is not our parents’ fault that they too were brought up and taught in this manner. They are simply passing on what they consider to be the realities of life to you. Well now that you are an adult and can search to find the core of the being that you are, you can start to pay attention to how you feel about and react to such situations in your life. If you don’t like feeling the way you do about yourself and the life you are living, then you can change it by observing, paying attention and work at making it happen.

My Spirit Guides, Archangels and other Teachers of Light, that assist me daily, commune with one another and me at all times. At first I was afraid and a bit ashamed to have them present in my life. I didn’t want them to know how hurt, angry and lonely I was. That was a long time ago and after many years of looking at my conditioning, we have worked through my misconceptions of self and have become unified. With Spirit and I, we always feel the loving presence of one another. I am never alone and neither is anyone else. In ones misconceptions, they simply believe and accept themselves to be so.

Aloneness is a good thing. It is a place within ourselves that we have created to re-connect with these wonderful friends and family, our spiritual soul mates for eons of time. Growing up we were taught that things such as spirits and angels do not exist and are imaginary. We were taught to use the left hemisphere of our brain and to eliminate the subconscious as a place of unrelated dream worlds. We were taught to think of and see things this way because that is how our parents were taught, their parents, and so on. Also due to the fact that so many people have isolated their feelings believing them to be a hindrance that creates vulnerability, they wanted to make you tough in order to survive the outside world. So humans have perpetuated this way of life as reality for many centuries now.

There have always been a number of people that were born as very sensitive and intuitive beings. Who, even through such challenging lives as I have described, managed to still find themselves and their sensitivity later in life and restore it. More people than ever are doing it all the time. It’s like they hear a calling inside that drives them to go beyond what they have been taught was reality and the norm. Often they are seen or labeled as rebellious or out of control. Most people who decide to listen to their own inner-self have a period where they have to block out the rest of the world temporarily, to do it. This in a way labels them as non-conformists by those that love them. For sensitive’s, conforming to a world and life with no sensitivity is utter insanity. They cannot feed themselves without sensitivity nor can they feel alive. For them, the awareness that kindness and compassion are major components of healthy living, drives them to explore their own nature and to heal themselves. They generally then take on the challenge of helping others to do the same.

We all know that money holds too much power over survival on this planet. Without money you cannot eat, dress, keep warm or have shelter. Making and having money takes up so much time and energy in ones life that they are too tired to even think or hope for anything else at the end of the day or the week. From the time we are young we are taught to live this way in order to survive. This training is a necessary part of survival but it cannot bring us security. Security can only be felt and experienced. Security is within not without. When we learn that we are not alone in our lives and our soul self, we then learn that we are soul, spirit and energy rather than form and mortal. At this juncture of life’s journey, our understanding of security changes, as does our life and purpose for living. Too many judgments are made by using the left brain and reason alone. These judgments cause a world filled with turmoil, anxiety, stress and insanity. If logic and reason were truly the keys to success and freedom in life, then why haven’t they worked? It is easy to pooh, pooh, the idea or existence of otherworldly beings. It is easy to deny that you are the only true power in your life. It is hard to take responsibility and seek to know that which others have denied as being truth for centuries, simply because you were taught that such things are nonsense by adults in this life. All one needs to do to decide to explore and journey other elements of themselves is to look at the lives of those around them. If what one sees is truly what one wants then they too will deny any truth beyond what they can see, touch, taste or feel with their outer senses. But for those who seek security, peace, love, happiness, joy or bliss, they will begin searching and exploring texts and teachings that are far removed from such a constrictive way of life and thinking.

The journey of life is far beyond the five outer senses; the journey of life for each of us began long before we were born this lifetime. The five outer senses are tools that we use to define what we learn and apply with our extrasensory perception. To see the world as the sounds and colors smells and taste that it truly is, is amazing. To become aware of how you and all other life are connected is awesome, and to see a Spirit Guide, or and Angel for the first time is remembering what it feels like to be at home with your true family.

Color and sound are key elements in our spiritual development. The silence and the sounds therein hold magical insights. Understanding that we have the ability to change how we feel about our life and ourselves is major self-healing. Letting go of what we thought we knew to be so, and discovering what we intuit to be true, is how we begin forming a new foundation.

You are Seven Rays of light that emanate from your Seven Chakra Centers that assist you in remembering the seven levels of consciousness you travel and exist, as well as live within. You were first born of spirit, then soul and lastly body. You contain the mind of God, Goddess, all that is, and are the mind of God, Goddess all that is. You were and always will be an emanating energy in the Universe that assists and connects with all other energies of like vibration. If you do not like the energy of the vibration you have become it can be changed. The rational mind and survival do not determine who you are, you do.






Enlightenment is not a term or a word but an experience. When one is enlightened, they are aware of how they belong within the whole. They become aware that they are spirit within, and they live in an integrated state of higher awareness.

Becoming enlightened is the nature of the journey that was taken on when choosing to be born into the third dimension. Becoming spiritually enlightened is the fulfillment of this journey.

Once spiritually enlightened one begins to see and live the “bigger picture”. This “bigger picture,” allows us to comprehend the true purpose of existence. Without true purpose in life, we go through the motions of life, never understanding its rhyme or reason. This leads us to question forever our purpose in being here.

As we develop and become spiritually enlightened, we realize that there is an order to life. An order that goes far beyond anything we may have learned through our life experiences or academic learning. A divine order with pristine laws based in perception and understanding. These are natural laws, ordering the Universe and the Cosmos and all life beyond.

These laws have motion and movement. These laws have been given names such as “The law of Cause and Effect. The Law of Attraction, The law of Karma, The law of Rebirth, The Law of Science and Mathematics (also known as Sacred Geometry) and others I cannot name.

These laws can only be learned and understood conceptually. To the rational being they make very little if any sense at all. It is the soul consciousness that remembers and uses these laws to live by.

In order to familiarize yourself with these theoretical laws you might explore books on Quantum Physics and Metaphysics. By doing so, perhaps you can use the left part of your brain as a relay to tap the subconscious and super-conscious.

There is no more rewarding or greater journey than that of spiritual enlightenment. Enlightenment is the one thing we can accrue this lifetime that we can not only take with us, but can also use as our vehicle to explore the heavenly worlds of evolution when we die.

When we leave this earthly body, many humans believe that we automatically ascend to these heavenly worlds. Realize simply, that one must know God here, before one can know god anywhere else.

We dwell continually within many worlds while alive in the physical, whether we are aware of it or not. Little is different after we cross over. Unawareness carries over to the other side just as awareness does. Our realizations while in the physical, have much, if not all, to do with what our realities will be when we cross over. Life after death is not a reprieve from our life on earth; rather an extension of the journey already created.

Without spiritual enlightenment here, there can be no spiritual enlightenment elsewhere for us. There is no magic wand that God waves when you die to save you from your own dysfunctional perceptions. Truly the realizations that you experience on the other side, can only be used when you are re-incarnated to try to get it right the next time.

If instead we were to take responsibility for our own spiritual enlightenment this lifetime, beginning to realize how we and God are one and the same, imagine the changes we could produce in our own evolutionary paths. Many less dysfunctional beings would be returning to the earth plane each round and a more spiritually advanced culture could begin designing and healing the future of humanity.

Eclipse Season

Hold on the roller coaster is just starting to move faster.

The first eclipse on April 30 is a Solar Eclipse in the sign of Taurus.  The second eclipse is a Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. The ancients believed that during an eclipse,” the mighty will fall”. They bring endings and beginnings– births and deaths. The energy from an eclipse can last up to six months and can also become active a month before the actual eclipse.

Solar Eclipse on April 30 at 10 degrees of Taurus

This Solar Eclipse will be visible in Antarctica and the Southern Tip of South America.

Solar Eclipses tend to relate to sudden events that disrupt our day-to-day functioning; they are crisis that seems to come out of nowhere and that suddenly demands all of our conscious attention and focus. They tend to stir things up on a physical and conscious level much more than Lunar Eclipses.

A Solar Eclipse is a powerful new moon so make plans for the future. Set your intentions during this eclipse around Taurus themes – your values, banking, property, housing, land, food production, and farming.  The six months following this eclipse is an ideal time to make a fresh start in all of these Taurus areas.

This Solar eclipse is conjunct Uranus the planet of liberation and rebellion at 14 degrees of Taurus.  With Uranus in the picture, we could see disruptions in the food supply and sudden geomagnetic events. Uranus is truth and awakening.  He can bring clarity to a situation. This eclipse also sextiles Mars so we could see battles for personal freedom or a favorable opportunity to take a big bold action.

 The ruler of this eclipse is Venus, the planet of love,

diplomacy, and harmony.  Venus rules money and Taurus craves financial security.  Venus is in Pisces and conjunct to the rare Jupiter/Neptune conjunction.  Venus here will boost the energies of the Jupiter/Neptune energies. We could become indulgent and go over the top with spending or excess of any kind.  Since Neptune rules oil and water among other things, this could mean higher oil prices and flooding.  Also,  Pluto, the planet of corruption, passion, and obsession is stopping in the sky at 28 degrees of Capricorn and turning retrograde. Adding Pluto to the Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune conjunction could lead to the revelation of secrets. 

This Solar Eclipse is opposite Vladimir Putin’s Venus at 11degrees of Scorpio. He will become aware of his financial situation and his popularity because of changes in those areas.

I think the end of the month will be a wild and crazy ride with surprising and sometimes shocking information coming in. And Venus with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces in a tight conjunction can create compassion, inspired art, and love of mankind. This triple conjunction in a sextile to Pluto can bring massive creative power and transformation.  Maybe the secrets and the wake-up call that happens during this eclipse will cause a positive response in the collective.

 Lunar Eclipse on May 16 at 25 degrees of Scorpio

This eclipse will be visible In North and South America, Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia.  Check here to see if it will be visible in your part of the world.

On a Lunar Eclipse, something will end and on a Solar Eclipse, something will begin. A Lunar Eclipse is an opportunity to break habits or eliminate socially conditioned patterns of thoughts and behaviors that stand in the way of self-realization. 

A Lunar Eclipse can make us more aware of our patterns, and our unconscious motivations. This period of time can bring up old memories and feelings.  Full moon eclipses can bring things to completion that you have been working on. The Sun opposite the Moon lights up the Moon and brings previously unexamined areas of your life into awareness. Repressed energies emerge for confrontation and resolution.  Pay attention to your dreams. Lunar Eclipses are more emotional than Solar Eclipses.  Lunar Eclipses shine a light on things we weren’t aware of.

We will have eclipses on the Taurus Scorpio axis of the zodiac

for the next year and a half.  So this denotes a cycle of change that relates to our values, our possessions (Taurus) and our ability to regenerate our lives (Scorpio).

A Lunar eclipse is a very unstable energy.  Change is in the air, but don’t start anything new until June.   Mercury is going retrograde from May 10 thru June 3, so wait a few weeks after June 3 to start a new project.  But the lunar eclipse will open you up to accepting new ideas.

This is a very complex Lunar Eclipse because of the many other planets that it is aspecting. It is in a trine to Mars at 23 Pisces, squares Saturn at 24 Aquarius, in a sextile to Pluto at 28 Capricorn, and in a trine to Neptune at 24 Pisces.  I’m going to take a stab at what could result from all of these planets involved with the Lunar Eclipse. Mars could represent taking positive action.  Neptune could mean our direction is confusing or we are being deceived. Pluto means that the Lunar Eclipse is shining a light on news or events that reveal corruption or something that was buried. But some of the aspects are beneficial. The eclipse sextiles Pluto and trines Neptune so what come up could be healing in some way.

Janet Kane

Jupiter Neptune Conjunct In Pisces

“You ever have that feeling where you’re not sure if you’re awake or still dreaming?” – Neo (The Matrix)

“Mescaline” – The otherworldly feeling of surrealism, not fully knowing whether we are awake or dreaming – almost like we are out of this world, but yet deep set in it. This is the energy we are going to be feeling right now. One foot in reality and the other in the ethereal.

This indescribable feeling that many of us have noticed lately is due to a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event that is occurring now, as Jupiter and Neptune connect in Pisces for the first time since 1856 – they won’t conjunct again in this sign until 2188.

Therefore, we will never experience this exact mystical energy again in our lifetime.

Although these two planets meet approx every 12-13 years, Neptune travels slower than Jupiter and takes around 165-166 years to complete an entire cycle of the zodiac, whereas Jupiter takes 12 years – making it an extremely rare occurrence for them to both meet in the same constellation.

What makes this encounter even more magical, magnificent and memorable is that both Jupiter and Neptune rule sensitive, intuitive Pisces, with Jupiter being the traditional ruler and Neptune the modern ruler, cosmically boosting their enchanted characteristics. Therefore, the energy of this astrological phenomenon is magnified, as both planets are at home in Pisces, where they will be bringing so much luck, abundance, magic and miracles our way.

Both Jupiter and Neptune are outer planets, and when two outer planets conjunct, the effects are long-lasting, so we can expect to feel the benefits of this energy intensely for at least the next couple of months. The energies started building in January 2022, and have been gradually intensifying, peaking on April 12th, however, we will continue to feel this energy strongly until February 15, 2023. It doesn’t end there, as Jupiter and Neptune transit in a 12-13 year cycle, and celestial meetings mark the beginning of a brand new cycle, so whatever intentions we set during this time will play out as a new chapter in our lives, lasting for at least the the next 13 years.

Jupiter carries master energy and, when connected with Neptune, helps us become the master of our dreams. Whatever we have been trying to manifest will now effortlessly materialise.

All in all, the April 12th planetary rendezvous could possibly be the most magical and mystical day of our entire lifetime, so it is particularly important to set powerful intentions and to get serious about manifesting our dreams and desires.

The Universe has literally aligned the planets perfectly to help our dreams come true.

Neptune & Pisces are both associated with water, spirituality, emotions, healing, transformation, intuition, escapism, dreams, hopes, desires, inspiration and creativity, and this is the exact time to focus on any artistic dreams we have shelved. If possible take time out to write, draw, paint, sing, dance, make music and express ourselves in whatever way we choose, fully and unapologetically. This can be the optimum time to use art to release emotionally energy that we have subconsciously held on to and to release emotional blockages.

If we do not feel called to channel suppressed energy through art, we can instead use water to detox and cleanse our emotions, as Pisces is a water sign. Any activity involving water, including taking a shower or salt bath, spending time near a lake or the ocean, or even letting tears fall, can be highly therapeutic.

Pisces encourages us to stop being afraid to feel into emotions and instead openly communicate them so they can be released from our energetic bodies, where they attach to our ego, and stored repressed emotions cause conflict and stagnation.

Jupiter rules luck, good fortune, adventure, abundance, optimism, escapism, soul-connection and opportunity and whatever it gets close to it expands, so all Pisces and Neptune qualities will be magnified.

This combination can cause us to see through rose-tinted spectacles, with the refusal to set out healthy boundaries. This can create confusion between perceived (and sometimes unrealistic) potential and the cold, hard truth of a situation, and we may have a sudden realisation that we have been caught up in idealisations and carrying false hope about a significant area of our lives – possibly for the past 12-13 years. Particularly as Neptune also rules addiction, deception and fantasies,, therefore, we could come to the realisations that dynamics that we once felt were soul bonds were actual trauma bonds that kept us hooked due to roller coaster emotions.

Although these connections may have recently come to an end, or could have ended anytime during these past 12 years, it is highly possible we are only now coming to full awareness of all that we have been through, and understanding how much manipulation has taken place. We will feel our emotions healing, and finally finding a place of inner peace, recognising that although there are emotional scars from the past, they no longer lower our vibration or self-esteem. We may now start to feel we are returning back to our true selves, and realising that much of our past has been spent focused on other people, always putting others first and neglecting ourselves. That is now changing, quite drastically. This next chapter is all about prioritising our own needs and valuing people who reflect and reciprocate our energy.

Neptune is the planet of spiritual illusions and delusion, so this extremely rare portal is asking us

to use all our energy to make a shift away from old realities that we know no longer resonate with where we are at, or where we want to be. We are going to be asking ourselves, not only what is real in our lives, but also are we truly ready for to experience something deep and real. We will also be questioning what, or who, are illusions and quite simply figments of our imagination that we have created as a form of escapism. It will now be brutally clear what and who we want to be in our lives currently and lasting into the future.

We will be feeling compelled to look deeper into the dynamics around us, and see straight through trickery and delusions. Our entire outlook is now changing, and once we see the hidden truths, we will never be able to return to our old ways of thinking.

Although we are the creator of our dreams, for them to manifest effortlessly they have to be realistic and not purely based on fantasy and fiction. Miracles can happen, however, this is a time to recognise what is true and what is false, so our desires are in full alignment with what is meant for us.

Neptune asks us to visualise our dreams and Jupiter expands anything we focus on, so we can dream big, hold the vision of everything we want, and set this as our new vibration so the Universe can match our energy and present new opportunities and possibilities that are on the same frequency.

It is highly likely that as this energy simmers down over the next few days we will experience a profound awakening, and begin to feel more alert, energised and alive than ever before – noticing realisations and revelations coming in thick and fast. Our senses, intuition and inner knowing will be speaking a language that our spirit energetically understands.

It is likely we could be feeling highly emotional during this transit, as we release attachments to certain people or situations and realise that in some dynamics we became carried away with the fairytale rather than seeing the actual reality.

This can cause us to feel we have taken ‘wrong’ paths or that we have been spinning in circles, repeating the same cycles, however it is essential to remember that everything happens exactly when it is meant to and when circumstances suddenly shift, it is due to divine timing, so trust that we are in exact alignment, and be ready to move forward when the energy moves.

It can take some time to feel the energies have shifted, especially if we have been holding tight to certain belief systems. However there is no rush, the blessings and opportunities are coming and are limitless. There is a higher reason why some of our dreams and intentions take a little longer to manifest and some of our desires don’t seem to want to manifest at all, regardless how much effort we put in.

Sometimes we can become more focused on how or why things didn’t work out rather than spending that energy creating spaces for the new to enter. Ruminating on the past can be a major drain of our energy and resources, particularly if we have been attempting to control outcomes.

We will have heightened sensory perception and higher awareness and be moving from confusion to clarity, unlocking hidden knowledge that we are now ready to receive. Structures that supported false beliefs are crumbling and new belief systems will take their place. We will be releasing old programming and shedding outdated stories, and no longer repeating the same stories, as we let go of the illusions and watch as a new chapter unfolds.

The more we awaken it will become apparent that people living on this planet are living entirely different realities and that some are living in a polar opposite timeline. This means that regardless how compassionately or openly we attempt to communicate to certain people, our words are just not being heard or absorbed, as our realities are vastly different.

We will discover that we can no longer return to old versions of reality that kept us stuck in stagnated energy. We can keep letting go until the old narratives have faded away and new ones emerge.

The combination of these celestial energies will be encouraging us to have the patience to surrender and allow a natural flow, and the importance of letting go of attachments and having faith that all that is meant for us will reach us. Reminding ourselves that what we think we want isn’t always what our spirit needs, and that sometimes the Universe has a far greater plan in place than we can imagine possible.

Whenever we feel unsettled and impatient we can dissolve worries and fears by finding a place of gratitude and openness, trusting that divine source energy has always been there to support us through challenges and difficulties.

To move forward, obstacle-free, we now can try to release fears and feelings of unworthiness and lack, as cosmically we are in a period of breakthroughs, so it is essential to break habits that keep us stuck so there is space for the new to flow in. Replace fear and doubt with gratitude and trust and let go of all the energies that do not belong on our journey.

It is imperative that we don’t overthink the blessings and good fortune coming our way, so that when miracles show up, we embrace and claim them. If we have kept our heart and intentions pure, and for the highest good, despite all the challenges we have been through, we will now be karmically rewarded.

All the positive energy we have been sending out to the Universe is now going to be returned and our lives could totally turn around – in the most unexpected and miraculous way.

When we are excited for the future and we move to a mental and emotional state of receiving and believing with absolute conviction that we deserve all the positive energies flowing toward us, we will notice the most incredible possibilities suddenly start gravitating in our direction.

The intensity of this energy can cause us to feel dehydrated, so this is a gentle reminder to drink plenty of water to stay grounded and if possible try to spend some time alone in meditation.

Alex Myles


More about Soul

Humans are easily sublimated by their surroundings. Television ads, educational learning, family and religion are parts of our sublimation. When we hear or are taught something over and over again we begin to accept it as part of our reality. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, famine, homelessness, politics and Jesus, all are part of our consciousness because we have seen and heard about them constantly. Had we not seen and heard about them, they would not exist in our consciousness, nor would they be part of our reality.

The many things we have not seen nor heard about, play little if any role in our daily awareness. Because this is true, it is up to us to educate and sublimate ourselves with thoughts and ideas that promote happiness, joy and peace.

To believe that there is an unseen force of energy that pervades all life is to believe in Spirit. It matters not what name you give to spirit, what matters is that you understand that you are spirit.

In order to identify how all life contains spirit, you must first study about soul. All things of life in this world contain soul. As long as we refer to the soul as being unconscious then that sublimation will remain intact. The fact that all life contains soul, should make it obvious enough, that the only thing that is unconscious of soul is the seeker. If the mysteries of the Universe and the Divine are actually natural soul awareness, then it is only natural to seek them out for your own revelation.

Your soul is actively participating in your life everyday. The more you learn to hear and see it, the more help it can offer you in understanding your individual purpose in being alive. It is time for human beings to re-sublimate themselves and turn to the soul for its memories and awareness of the truth and light within. With soul, light, and spirit all things are possible. Without them, more of the same will perpetuate itself. Call to your soul daily and let it know that you acknowledge it. Discover the world of soul that you are.

You are a beautiful energy of light. Your emanations make up the whole, just as the whole makes up the emanations that you are!