
Enlightenment is not a term or a word but an experience. When one is enlightened, they are aware of how they belong within the whole. They become aware that they are spirit within, and they live in an integrated state of higher awareness.

Becoming enlightened is the nature of the journey that was taken on when choosing to be born into the third dimension. Becoming spiritually enlightened is the fulfillment of this journey.

Once spiritually enlightened one begins to see and live the “bigger picture”. This “bigger picture,” allows us to comprehend the true purpose of existence. Without true purpose in life, we go through the motions of life, never understanding its rhyme or reason. This leads us to question forever our purpose in being here.

As we develop and become spiritually enlightened, we realize that there is an order to life. An order that goes far beyond anything we may have learned through our life experiences or academic learning. A divine order with pristine laws based in perception and understanding. These are natural laws, ordering the Universe and the Cosmos and all life beyond.

These laws have motion and movement. These laws have been given names such as “The law of Cause and Effect. The Law of Attraction, The law of Karma, The law of Rebirth, The Law of Science and Mathematics (also known as Sacred Geometry) and others I cannot name.

These laws can only be learned and understood conceptually. To the rational being they make very little if any sense at all. It is the soul consciousness that remembers and uses these laws to live by.

In order to familiarize yourself with these theoretical laws you might explore books on Quantum Physics and Metaphysics. By doing so, perhaps you can use the left part of your brain as a relay to tap the subconscious and super-conscious.

There is no more rewarding or greater journey than that of spiritual enlightenment. Enlightenment is the one thing we can accrue this lifetime that we can not only take with us, but can also use as our vehicle to explore the heavenly worlds of evolution when we die.

When we leave this earthly body, many humans believe that we automatically ascend to these heavenly worlds. Realize simply, that one must know God here, before one can know god anywhere else.

We dwell continually within many worlds while alive in the physical, whether we are aware of it or not. Little is different after we cross over. Unawareness carries over to the other side just as awareness does. Our realizations while in the physical, have much, if not all, to do with what our realities will be when we cross over. Life after death is not a reprieve from our life on earth; rather an extension of the journey already created.

Without spiritual enlightenment here, there can be no spiritual enlightenment elsewhere for us. There is no magic wand that God waves when you die to save you from your own dysfunctional perceptions. Truly the realizations that you experience on the other side, can only be used when you are re-incarnated to try to get it right the next time.

If instead we were to take responsibility for our own spiritual enlightenment this lifetime, beginning to realize how we and God are one and the same, imagine the changes we could produce in our own evolutionary paths. Many less dysfunctional beings would be returning to the earth plane each round and a more spiritually advanced culture could begin designing and healing the future of humanity.




How life becomes a state of grace rather than a state of reason

Thinking is a way of seeing and reasoning out what we experience in the 3D around us. Becoming is a state of being that allows us to open ourselves to more development to become.

Often my spirit guides will say to me, “You’ve been thinking again, haven’t you?”

What this means to me is that my thinking has once again clouded my judgement about reality. The mind is what creates the illusions we see as life in the 3D. When we move beyond reasoning, we become aware of our soul and spirit self. This now becomes the reality of the present moment without judgement.

Judging holds us back from experiencing our Soul and Spirit self. We cannot identify our true self through reason or logic; instead we must learn to decipher how we and all else is energy. To realize oneself as energy is to acquaint ourselves with the language of vibration.

If indeed you are to communicate with spirit, you must resonate with their energies by attaining the self- same energy yourself. This is most generally accomplished through meditation; as meditation is the process of going within to see and interact through your inner senses rather than the outer ones. This is where you learn to identify with your soul and spirit self.

People can become adept at hearing and understanding how they themselves are spirit thereby discovering the language of resonation and development in frequencies. The greatest pitfalls we encounter come from the Ego self, sometimes desire itself can cause us to fool ourselves.

Our ego and personality can play tricks on us as the human needs to compete and be right, this can be our greatest deception that holds us in place as we race to discover and holding ourselves back as we do this.

We must learn humility and humbleness if we are to develop our gifts of awareness of Higher Self.

We must learn to identify our own spirit within if we wish to know and commune with other spirits. The language of Angels has to do with the essence of love on a very pure level of innocence and awe. The simplest of things can now answer what we believed to be so complex in our thinking.

Meditation is a developed art that keeps our consciousness and understanding expanding. Also by putting yourself in a space of light and love creates a welcoming space for them to be with you.












































Happy 2022

Wow it is almost 2022! By the time you read this it probably will be. This year promises to be easier on us than the last two.

All these twos will help to bring about balance with the male and female within. All relationships will find a better harmony and adjustments. Family will need to get their act together while the need for more freedom in ideas will burst forth.

Careful how fast you move on new ideas by doing some research before you leap. Do not add stress to what can be a beautiful transition in life.

2022 ads to a 6, meaning more balance in your spirituality and physical reality world, this helps us understand how we operate as the “God Within” showing more love and kindness to ourselves and others around us.

The year of 2021 was an angry year. Much was misunderstood and misinterpreted by the simplest means. Much of that changes now. I do not mean that there will not be challenges for us but thinking should be clearer and kinder as a whole.

Climate change will still be challenging for human, animal and plant life. We must clean up the Oceans and quit wasting precious resources just because we are too lazy to pay attention to our own bad habits.

Instead of the world seeing Americans as rebellious teens we should grow up and take responsibility for our own short comings. No more excuses please. Understand this is a shared planet.

Stargates Article

I publish this now for you to read as it can help you see and understand the progression as it has transpired. This is a powerful article and worth reading. Blessings, Athene
By: Athene Raefiel
April 10, 2004
Great transformational energies and much personal activation is being experienced by all since The Harmonic Convergence in 1987 and the Harmonic Concordance in November 2003. Many new gateways of energy opened up to assist the lightworkers on Earth to process through past soul memories and open themselves to a greater height of awareness and service not only to the Universe but to themselves.

Many more lightworkers are taking their place in the cosmic scheme of things and assisting in the spiritual awakening of the sleepers. As wars rage in many parts of the world the lightworkers understand that new life is always born from the chaos.

Although there is a long way to go before peace will become an everyday reality, the individuals now awakened will take their place as the New World leaders by 2012.

Two comets seen from Earth visit our space between the April 18, 2004, Solar Eclipse in the astrological sign of Aries the Ram and May 4, 2004 Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. These two Comets will never be seen from Earth Again. They will not be visible at the same time but one will be near Sirius in the beginning of May.

Comets have tails and move very quickly through the skies. Their energy and light effects the heavens in a manner that changes the frequencies and signals currently being emitted. The path of these comets helps us align to a more centered and continually balanced frequency of light.

The April and May 2004 set of eclipses completes the initiation of the first gateway activated and opened in November 2003, during the Harmonic Concordance. What is a gateway, how do they open and what would be the purpose?

In metaphysics when we speak of gateways, we are referring to the stargates activated by the consciousness of ourselves, the councils of light, galactic brotherhoods, and the Universal Hierarchy. These stargates are strategically aligned and activated to assist not just our planet and her beings but other planets and systems as well. By us all being a part of the same consciousness, when enough beings resonate at the same frequency another stargate is aligned and opened.

The astrological alignments of the heavenly bodies allow for the energy to be focused and aligned to assist in the breakdown of energies received so that we do not blow up our solar system and ourselves. In our arrogance, we often assume to know more about how the cosmos operates than is plausible. In the scheme of knowing all there is to know, we are still children. In reality, the stargates were operational long before our planet and star systems came to be. We are a birth of them shall we say, as is everything else around us that we can see, feel, taste or touch. All things tangible were and are born of stargates.

If we were to see a mother birthing a child, we would then see that she is the stargate opening to give birth to a new life. When we take this understanding to a different level, we understand that new life also represents consciousness and that consciousness does not contain a tangible form but an intangible one. As we enter into and experience each stargate as the expansion of consciousness it presents to us in our journey, we develop a process of steps and understanding about its operation in our physical reality self.

One cannot know that which is unknowable, one cannot attain that which is unattainable, one can only learn that for which they are ready. There is but one mystery and each of you holds it within yourself. The key to each mystery is the consciousness that you birth through each birthing stargate you enter. When we say the stargates are open, we share with you that they are now individually and collectively accessible to those who are prepared to experience them.

The more advanced souls on the planet will hold the doorways in place until all those seeking this expansion of consciousness have accomplished it. You cannot push the river of what the timing, experience, and learning are about. Surrender to the divine order of your own soul journey and ask your higher self to guide you to the appropriate teachers and measures currently best for you. Overcome your fear of change and enlightenment will occur.

The Harmonic Concordance took place November 8, 2003. At that time 17 stargates were activated for human and other life forces to utilize as expansion to new levels of spiritual awareness and consciousness. The Harmonic Concordance was interactive with the Harmonic Convergence August 17, 1987, which was the initiation into a New World order of the stars and planets. This order is one of a new spiritual opening of higher love and awareness for all the beings including those within the heavens. Since the time of Harmonic Convergence we have experienced a massive amount of change and acceleration within the cosmos and our own solar system. There has been a great many stargates and mysteries revealed to the collective since that time. Awareness and enlightenment as well as the quest for true spiritual knowledge has abounded and even been sought after by astronomers, biologists, scientists, theologians, and the wealthy.

On August 11, 1999 we experienced an astrological grand cross in the heavens. I was told by spirit at that time that we had passed a point of no return. That no longer would humanity be able to restore itself to a state in the past. The species of plant and animal would continue to disappear, as would the soil, clean air, water and precious resources. That so much devastation and damage had occurred to the planet that we would have to find another way of restoration and reconstruction. That ultimately the Divine plan was going forward and the crippled world with it.

I then had a vision of the parallel universe merging with the current universe. The parallel universe is one of balance, love harmony, kindness, joy, spirituality and cooperation. I was not sure then what this merging meant but also knew that the parallel universe may split off at a later date taking with it those who are resonating at that frequency. It’s very presence helps with the plan of assimilation, love and service to Earth Mother

As we have all seen since that date in 1999, chaos has ensued on a worldwide level for all that refuse to move forward in their life and consciousness. For the many to whom spiritual awakening and enlightenment are home, their lives and journeys have constantly opened them to abundance, revelation, intuitive guidance, love and joy. Through such spiritual experiences came the activation of 17 stargates on the Harmonic Concordance November 9, 2003.

People often choose to believe that events such as these, herald Divine and Celestial changes that will occur that very day and exact time resulting in massive immediate transformation. Humankind’s greatest downfall is still in their unrealistic expectations and need for immediate result. To look at ones life and the history of the cosmos is to become aware that all things happen in the course of time. They come to pass. Entering into one stargate of conscious awareness brings massive shifts into ones life. Enlightenment is a journey; it requires many incarnations of experience. Enlightenment must be experienced and realized for one to become illuminated. These things cannot be measured with time and space. To understand how to create though love and understanding is the quest that brings about enlightenment.

The statement, “When one is ready the teacher will appear” means to continually be preparing yourself for the next step in your evolution. Using the proper tools is how one stays prepared. Meditation, chakra alignments, prayers, invocations, trust and commitment are the tools we all adhere to. Activation and initiation are the key experiences for 2004

There was a set of Eclipses in November 2003. The full Lunar Eclipse was November 8, at 16 degrees of Taurus, the same day as the Harmonic Concordance Grand Sextile. April 19, 2004 a partial Solar Eclipse in Aries at 29 degrees connects the opening of the another stargate that was activated during the Harmonic Concordance. As the stargates open and we experience them a variety of different experiences takes place on all levels of our being. First of course is always the soul element and then comes the assimilation into the emotional, mental and physical. This is the second phase or the initiation your souls requested long before this incarnation. This gateway connects each of us into the past incarnation memories needed to recognize origin and heritage. Many past life memories and experiences surface for examination and integration. May 4, 2004 heralds the completion of the new 17 stargates activation during this Harmonic Concordance Cycle.

For many being on their path since the Harmonic Convergence or before, these experiences may sound redundant. I would ask you to remember the many layers of the onion we are to peel away before our true ascension from the physical occurs. Simply put, this time is a whole new level of the process you may already be familiar with. Those who are already familiar with the activity of stargates will achieve great strides in their illumination of their star -being self.

The Venus Transit of June 8, 2004, will open yet another stargate and then Pluto going direct in Sagittarius, August 31, 2004, the Solar Eclipse in Libra, October14, 2004 and the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, October 28, 2004. Other openings that will occur in 2004 Neptune going Retrograde May 18, 2004 and coming direct October 24, 2004, as well as Uranus Retrograde June 6, 2004 coming direct November 12, 2004.making a total of nine for those who are ready to assimilate that degree of learning and activity.

Dreams and visions do actually manifest for those who operate within the distinct frequencies allowing for such. Manifestation of reality is tied to the Fifth Dimension of Cause and Effect. In order to consciously manifest in ones life they must first have attained and served in the experience of the Fourth Dimension which is Unconditional Love and Service. Simply because the Fifth dimensional frequencies as well as the Sixth and Seventh are now available does not mean we can skip over the necessary steps to enlightenment.

Unconditional love is the key to enlightenment, it is the foundation upon which all other steps are based and built. Unconditional love of self and others is non-judgmental, it produces a balanced state of awareness and understanding that allows you to open and align the states of consciousness you are now ready to experience and develop.

2021 Last set of Eclipses

We are headed into a set of eclipses this month November 18th and 19th, 2021, A Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus and Next month December 4th, 2021, Full Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius.

What can I say? Hold onto your hats as the winds of change blow this cycle of changes in before the new year of 2022.

It is worth reading about how these powerful changes affect your Zodiac Sign. But I can tell you this…we are moving into a new and expanded consciousness where we can make a commitment to ourselves and soul progression to long awaited new and expansive learning and awareness many of you have been working and waiting for.

To be fair, after hearing about the major portions of souls that have awakened the past few years, I am impressed with the extent of knowledge being spread to as many of souls possible. Though I hear many espousing how they are already beyond any need to follow the 22 steps of Initiation needed to learn and ascend, I wish them only the best. But from the knowledge of the ancient teachings that require the initiations of growth and spirit development, those of us who have travelled many dimensions to learn and become the I Am, will be blessed indeed by the energies needed to overcome the ego self, more astutely than ever.

For those who have worked so long and hard, life after life, preparing to ascend, this period of time shows us the bridge that leads us away for the past and into the freedom of the Light self. We surrender the ego and accept the purity of our spirit essence in a whole new way of being.

The choice is always ours of course to decide whether or not to cross this amazing bridge, because once you do there is no going back.

Look back now my friends and decide if there is any reason to stay stuck in your past. This door is only opened perhaps once each lifetime and you cannot take your old ego with you. You will now enter the progressive spiritual life that you have worked so hard to attain.

You will be able to see more clearly “The Bigger Picture” and how it operates in life. This can be daunting at first but as they say “Roll with the Punches”, the truth will set you free.

Changing Perceptions

Changing Perceptions

As the Earth changes abound and sea temperatures raise so does the confusion on the planet show itself more succinctly than ever before. For those of us that are empaths these changes are taking a toll not just in the mind and body but also the soul.

Many of you are discovering a need to write down your thoughts and experiences while others are simply pulled along by this great wave of energy called time that pervades the planet.

Since perception is all that we have to work with as reality in the dimensions within which we dwell. Perception is the tool at hand that must be worked and re-worked. Perception being the most powerful tool that we have; it is indeed creation itself.

Our beliefs, our understanding and our awareness all are part of our perception. So long as we choose to feed the perception of the outside world as our only truth then that will be our personal truth. Since the massive destruction of the outside world is now presented to us daily in our news, we more easily see what we individually may choose to create as alternatives and also healing.

Let us reanimate our perception within our soul to counteract the hurt and despair being lived and felt by so many upon the planet at this time.

Before we can manifest love and truth to surround all others upon our beautiful planet, we must be capable of creating it within our own soul. This will also take place in the collective soul and continue to expand and help heal the sadness and destruction that seems to have a life of its own.

To begin with we must check and renew the basics within ourselves that we learned to begin with. The first of which is the acknowledgement that we are a Universe unto ourselves and we have the power to change reality on a grand level.

Often we forget that we are part of a much larger unit (the collective soul) and feel abandoned by our own teachings and beliefs, as we struggle with the day to day survival as human beings. It is as if there was some sort of negative energy pursuing the enlightened ones upon the planet that produces actions of a negative sort, which continually bombards us. Yet we must consider that we unto ourselves are a great force of light in not only the Universe, the Planet and ourselves; but also the cosmos and Divine Hierarchy.

I shall not say that thought is the enemy but I will say that we give our personal thinking a great deal more power that we do our god-thought.

How do I think with and through my higher and divine self rather than my simple human brain? This is the second basic teaching and principle we had learned to understand a long time ago. This is the way that we talk ourselves into believing that which has been created through pain and sadness and forgets to connect to the mind within of higher consciousness.

Are you physical or eternal? Are you energy and light, or form that cannot resolve or heal the present known as life? Where do you stand within your reasoning and reality self? How many selves actually live inside of you and dictate reality to you daily?

How do you bring the many selves within you into center which allows seeing your higher mind and vision clearly? And do you then open yourself to believing what you know must be truth or do you still battle the light of life within that you are?

In being eternal you realize that this lifetime is simply an exploratory one that helps you to prepare for the next and the next and so on. Has re-incarnation eluded you and have you instead fallen into the matter pit that sucks the life out of others? This is known as the basic teaching of need.

When you are caught within the web of need, all else disappears. Need becomes prominent and time no longer exists other than to fill the need. Believing that you cannot find happiness or content without your needs being fulfilled simply holds you in a space of that being your truth and reality. This of course is the human condition which we are all working to overcome within ourselves.

It is certainly easier to give into the human condition and choose to wait for the next lifetime to struggle with what is real and truth, as living as a human, even as blessed as we are is still often debilitating to our true use of power. We definitely find it easier to live the struggle of need rather than overcome ourselves as humans every day of our life. We leave that to the Gurus and Dali Lamas of life.

Yet doing so in this manner leaves a huge unfilled hole inside of each of us that only higher self and soul can fill. Back to square one we come. Is it really necessary for us to review and re-new the basics within on a regular basis? Well of course it is. This is the way of the Spiritual Warrior, without such rebounds in life we will never gain true freedom or understanding which brings about perception.

None of the spiritual warriors on this planet ever got the memo that things were supposed to get easier, not harder. We all must have been out that day. Things have always simply happened and it is up to us to allow and grow within whatever patch of weeds or grass we find. Growing, becoming and realizing, these are all the basic needs and truths that we have to follow.

Before you write a new book on true reality you had better have at least understood how many realities exist simply within one plane of existence. Do you simply exist or are you the eternal creative principal within your own life and being?

Perception is a vast and glorious tool that gives us the power to change our life as well as that of others. Do not waste it.


Manifesting your reality.

5th Chakra- Casual Body.

In order to manifest what you wish and then draw it to yourself, you must be energetically advanced.

I am always amazed when there is an event like the Market Crashing or other hard events pertaining to money that so many teachers come out of the woodwork teaching that anyone can manifest what they need and want. I have discovered that you must reach a certain vibration to be able to do such things.

Energy creates therefore vibration creates allowing us to manifest and bring into form, create if you will.

Manifestation has to do with intention, being able to hold an intention until it is fully formed and then releasing this energy into all energy is how we manifest. This energy put forth as an intent must be fully surrendered and find freedom to take on form. We do this daily with our thought process whether we are aware of it or not.

Let’s all set the intention for peace on Earth good will towards other Earth and all species upon her to work in harmony. Now set the intention of how that would appear. Now you can see what intentions have created the current chaos surrounding daily life.

Now manifest your personal reality so we can live in that framework.

Causal body is body of cause and effect; this is the universal law of creation. To manifest is to create, bring into form.

Youtube athene raefiel

There are several guided visualizations up on my YouTube page.     https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvgOJSZ0LggcPkBDeJeimGg

You can watch my two radio interviews.

And journey to,

“The Sacred Garden”, “Stairway of Angels”, “Chakra Alignment and Re-patterning’’ and more.

“Initiation”, “The Halls of Learning” and so much more.

Staying on the Spiritual Path

Staying on The Spiritual Path

By Athene Raefiel
Now more than ever it is hard to follow your inner teachings and knowingness of what your Divine light heralds. The chaos of the world around us seems to say ever more and more that our light is not reaching the deep conclaves of humankind’s hearts and minds, yet in reality the human race is changing and growing more sensitive to what the inner truth and light holds.

Sometimes we must swing all the way to the farthest end of one spectrum before we are thrown forward into a new milestone. This is the process now happening on a grand scale. Like a rubber band that must be loosed because it can stretch no farther, so are the hearts and minds of the many beings on earth at this time.

Due to the tension that the great cosmic currents are presenting, many of you have felt abandoned or lost by what you believe. The waves of energy currents moving through the Earth plane and her solar system are profoundly powerful and yet awkward all at once. Like children learning to swim, it is a new momentum and activity that demands your attention and awareness in order to expand.

Since the beginning of time there has always been opportunities of expansion that could lead to a full integration of knowledge and awareness for the seekers of the light. Not until now was it available in one turn of the wheel or century of time. To ascend the limitations of the human body is an extreme feat indeed and is often only accomplished through many lifetimes of death and rebirths. To be able to achieve this feat and still remain in the physical is available to all those who have the determination and stamina to do so.

The tests are coming more swiftly as the journey accelerates and we are asked to move beyond the common approaches to existence. Though for many, meditation may seem a meaningless exercise, it is indeed the exquisite jewel that emanates powerful energy and light on a massive basis.

It is time to reactivate the Holy Flames of light within you and our Planet Earth. Call to The Emerald Flame of Archangel Raphael, The Azure Blue Flame of Archangel Michael and the Violet Flame of Saint Germaine. Call to the Holy Flame of light within that you are. Call to the Ascension and Transcension flames, The Threefold Flame of the Heart of God and Alpha and Omega of all life.

Visualize these flames as you call them forth and connect to the Ruby Ray of Morya El. Ask Gabriel to enfold you in his Golden Flame and ask Lord Uriel to assist you with his Opalescence. Call upon the Holy of Holies and all who emanate their love in the assistance of the Holy Flames of Light.

Honor the Seven Rays and steps of consciousness. Surrender daily to your soul and spirit path and ask the holy ones to initiate you into the mysteries the Holy Flames of Light and Truth.

Do this daily and I guarantee you will get results.

It is time to research who the Ascended Masters are and also to understand that they are the Seven Chohans who are the Master Teachers of Each color Ray upon which we learn.

You can find a great deal of information in the areas of the Ascended Masters in books by the Theosophical Society as well as those of Elizabeth and Mark Prophet. “The Messengers” as they call themselves bring you all manor of invocations and mantras directly from the Ascended Masters. You will appreciate them. The “I am Series” started by Godfrey Ray King, was written long ago but has great information on St. Germaine. These materials can help energize you to resonate within higher frequencies.

Remember you are searching for answers and guidance, not formal religion. Therefore what you read, you study, is not to believe as another does but discover your own inner knowingness and the unique gifts of the soul being that you are. Books and information are tools to help you find your own authentic self as well as the mighty “I Am Presence” that resides in all life.

“To continually discover the natural you, is the greatest and most fulfilling achievement in life.”